Category Archives: On Writing

Welcome Back

Here’s the new home. Still playing around with themes and such, but it looks like everything basically worked as it should. Please post a comment if you see anything that screwed up.

Wish Me Luck

Be warned: sometime during the next few days, Mr. Ass will go temporarily offline as he moves to new digs. Stay tuned.

Riding The Pumpkin

There’s a new piece up at Every Day Poets

A New Life

I had a short piece accepted over at Every Day Fiction I was even paid for it, but I have to give half of it to the Nordic Warrior Queen. I hope she spends her $1.50 wisely.

Thank You, Mr. Tower

After fifteen, count ’em, fifteen rejections, I finally sneaked one in over at Bartleby Snopes. Enjoy.

Until the Road Ends

If you’re interested, I had a short piece accepted at Six Sentences:


Except for the occasional dirty limerick, and maybe the poem Jabberwocky, I never gave much thought to poetry. To be honest, I still don’t, but I’m going to brag now and tell all four of you that I was published at I even got paid three bucks for it, but the Nordic Warrior Queen claimed half because she washes my shorts. P.S. Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky can be found here: It’s a great poem, you should read it. I once had the whole thing memorized, …Read the Rest

Ode to Mr. Ass

I’m taking most of the department to Mexico for a silly system audit. Just in case the plane goes down while traveling there, thus killing not only yours truly but also my employer’s entire ERP support team (thereby teaching him a valuable lesson), I feel it important to prepare the proper words for my headstone. Just in case: Here he lies, it’s Mr. Ass We’re storing him beneath the grass Until one day the aliens land And dig him up from under the sand …Read the Rest

900 to Go

One day in early January of this year, sentenced to Mexico for two straight weeks and grimly contemplating my 11th consecutive visit to Applebee’s, I decided maybe a hobby might improve my piss-poor attitude. Thus was born Much has happened since then, yet it’s ironic that tomorrow, nearly six months later, I am again looking forward to another two weeks of all-expense-paid-vacation in Mexico. Viva, Mexico! This post marks my 100th since I started the whole thing, but even after writing some 20,000 …Read the Rest

Roses are Red

  I’m no poet. In fact, I don’t much like poetry. It’s moderately boring crap, in my opinion. And don’t get me started on rhyming poems. Jesus. My third or fourth time through The Lord of the Rings, I even stopped reading all the Elvish poems Tolkien has sprinkled in there because of all the damn rhyming (well, except for the Fall of Gil-galad – that one’s still pretty cool). But that doesn’t mean I can’t write poetry if I …Read the Rest

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