Category Archives: On Writing

The Calling

The Calling

Kip: Hello Robert, I understand you’re having a book published. Can you tell me a little about it? Robert: First, Kip, thanks for having me. The book is a supernatural thriller in the vein of Peter Straub and Dean Koontz about a young man whose parents have just been murdered. The police think the murderer has marked him as the next victim, so he travels away with his estranged grandmother and uncle to a small town to hide out. But …Read the Rest

The Living Dead

The Living Dead

  The Nordic Warrior Queen makes fun of me because I always close the closet door before going to bed at night. And sometimes she catches me jumping that last two feet to the bed, lest cold hands reach out from underneath and grab my ankles. She blames my behavior on the books I read – Stephen King, Peter Straub, Richard Matheson to name a few.   But maybe if she’d grown up in a dark and scary basement, living …Read the Rest

Keeping ’em Cool

Keeping ’em Cool

 I was worried about my sperm count, that’s why I bought the thing. That, and it was damn uncomfortable. One never knows when your wife of thirty years is going to finally grow weary of your shit and send you packing (especially when she’s a Nordic Warrior Queen) and you might have need of the swimmers again. But don’t tell her I’m think about things like this. She might worry. It’s like this: I write a lot, especially at …Read the Rest

Third Down and Two

Third Down and Two

Just in time for the tired dregs of the 2010 football season, I managed to sneak in a new poem over at Every Day Poets:

Comment: Please Moderate

It was too good to be true. A few weeks ago, I was admiring my new web-page, counting my fan club members, even looking forward to potential book sales at some point in the distant future. But today, all that has changed, and I’ve sunk to the deepest and most murky bottom of the popularity pond. Today I received the following comment to one of my recent posts: Comment: wtf is this shit? yall some dumb muther fuckers posten thisrotten …Read the Rest

Thinking Shit Up

The Nordic Warrior Queen thinks I have OCD (like Cassie) but I’m really not like her. I like her, but I’m not like her. Really. Get it? Anyway, I collected all the stuff I’ve had published here and there over the past year and stuck it here: Think of it as a scrapbook. Or as I like to say, a Kipbook.

To Do List

is up at 6S


Okay, fine. She wins. She doesn’t like the clouds. And her son says “looks gay, Dad.” So here’s the new, and possibly final, theme for Mr. Ass. Hope you like it.

Link to Facebook

One other thing – for you Facebookers out there, I have a new Mr. Ass Facebook page. I call it Mr. Assbook. There’s a link over there to the right. Or you can put a shortcut to it on your desktop. In case you’re interested. Or care. Don’t worry, you can look at one or the other, cause it’s the same crap on both.

New Theme

Okay, the Nordic Warrior Queen doesn’t care for the new theme on Mr. Ass. Please give me your comments, so I can prove her wrong. I don’t get the opportunity very often. P.S. With this new theme, you have to actually click on the header (on the words “New Theme”) to leave a comment. Maybe I don’t like it either.

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