Ode to Mr. Ass

July 6, 2010

I’m taking most of the department to Mexico for a silly system audit. Just in case the plane goes down while traveling there, thus killing not only yours truly but also my employer’s entire ERP support team (thereby teaching him a valuable lesson), I feel it important to prepare the proper words for my headstone. Just in case:

Here he lies, it’s Mr. Ass

We’re storing him beneath the grass

Until one day the aliens land

And dig him up from under the sand

Please carry him to a far off place

Use his genes for the master race

Breed him with some alien lass

And create again, our Mr. Ass

2 Comments for this entry

  • Jacob says:

    Do the alien lasses have tentacles, purple slimy skin, and some form of reproductive system which is reasonably compatible with ours? If so, sign me up too!

  • Claudia Burris says:

    I would expect no less from Mister Ass’s male progeny.

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