Troy, Hulk, and Brett

August 18, 2010

Say what you like about Brett Favre coming back for another season, but at least he’s still willing to work for his money.

Driving home last night, I heard Troy Aikman and Hulk Hogan on the radio doing a commercial for Rent-A-Center. What! Now, I don’t have much money and probably never will so I should just shut up, but my thought is that these guys ought to have enough money socked away by now after their successful sports careers (not to mention movie roles and prime-time TV bits) to avoid doing Rent-A-Center radio spots. What’s the deal? A gazillion dollars is not enough?

Do you suppose one day The Hulkster said to his wife, “Well honey, we might have a hard time making the car payment next month, and since Rocky VII doesn’t look to be coming out anytime soon, maybe I’ll do some radio ads to make ends meet.” I don’t think so. As for Aikman, maybe he should have played a few more seasons and earned his money like Favre does, with some honest bumps and bruises. Dancing with the Stars, Troy? Give me a break.

P.S. This blog is in no way meant to impugn Rent-A-Center. I’m sure they are a fine company, and you should go rent something from them.

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