Poking Around

August 16, 2010

I won’t explain the reasons why, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately about proctology. There are a lot of different jobs out there, most of which are quite satisfactory, so what could possibly be going through some college junior’s head when, three weeks into the second semester, he decides to become a proctologist?

I suppose the pay is good, but think about it: for your entire working life, you will be placing your finger into the butt of nearly everyone you meet. At parties, nobody will want to shake your hand, and your wife will never ask you to help prepare dinner. Wearing rubber gloves is kind of cool, but let’s face it, your children will never invite you to their elementary school to speak on career day. And you ‘d better have a thick skin, because you will be the butt of everyone’s jokes.

Which reminds me, did you hear the one about the proctologist who pulled a thermometer out of his shirt pocket?  He looked at it and said, “Shit, some asshole has my pen.”

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