The Other Roommate

August 5, 2010

As a follow up to the previous post, I must apologize to my son for unfairly blaming him. He was not responsible for the empty Rubbermaid in the refrigerator, since he has admitted to not making his own lunches for two weeks now, and has instead been eating out every day. I guess it’s time to raise the rent if he can afford fast food while I eat PBJ sandwiches and drink tapwater to save money. 

Despite this, it turns out that the Rubbermaid culprit was the Nordic Warrior Queen, despite her assertions to the contrary. I did not do it. Further, let me state for the public record that I always put my dirty dishes in the sink, empty the trash on time, pick up my dirty clothes, regularly work the honey-dos, and am in general a really good guy to live with.

Right, dear?

4 Comments for this entry

  • Wife says:

    I am at a loss for words!

  • lois says:

    I think you are an easy guy to live with & since I am
    your Mother, I should know.

  • Jacob says:

    Just for clarification, I have not been going out to lunch every day. I have instead been eating frozen dinners that are $3.00 at safeway and taste like microwaved asshole. They sure are cheap and convenient though.

  • cassandra says:

    Techinically those were on sale for $2, and that’s why they taste bad…

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