And Another Thing…

July 11, 2010

I know I’ve complained in the past about toilet-related things. The shape and orientation of the roll, having one’s feet peed on, the size of the seat, etc.. What do you expect, it’s Mr. Ass, right? But in the end, these are life’s minor inconveniences, and we have to learn to accept them. However, I have to say that there’s nothing worse than standing before the porcelain bus, making wee-wee, thinking about bed and why did you have that last beer, when suddenly the lid slams down, sending a golden rain across the walls and floor of the tiny room where we all spend perhaps 2% of our lives. Irritating.

Never happened to you? If you’re a girl, of course not, because for some obscure reason men are trained from birth to lift the lid before Number 1, and to lower the lid afterwards. It’s not fair. But I’m slowly learning to accept what should and shouldn’t be in life, so like an automaton I do my job and don’t question why she isn’t expected to lower the lid when I’m a total shit if I forget to lift it.

Enough of that, just stay with me a minute longer. I’m coming to the point.

Over the past eight years, I’ve stayed in at least 200 Mexican hotel rooms. I’m not exaggerating. And of those hotel rooms, easily half of them have trick toilet seats. For some reason, plumbers here are unable to A) install a toilet seat with the proper clearance and alignment to keep it upright for more than 15 seconds, or B) tighten the nuts such that you’re not holding on for dear life when you have to make Number 2.

So please, be careful if you have the opportunity to visit Mexico. Parts of it are great, but once again, it’s the little things that irritate me.

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