You Girls

June 11, 2010

When I started this whole blogging thing, I never knew it would lead to this. Oh sure, I figured a few people would read me – you can always count on your Mom to read your crap, and your wife pretty much has to – but I never expected to have a fan club like this.

Over the past few weeks, I started to receive some very nice comments on my postings from girls with names like Alicia and Chastity. What’s more, they sent me links to their web-sites and attached half-naked pictures of themselves, along with offers to see the really naughty parts. Wow. I assumed I would have to reach Doug Adams status, or maybe even that of Steven King, before young women started taking their clothes off for me.

I guess I’m on my way to being a famous writer, and maybe I can quit my job someday after all. But I have to tell you girls: I’m flattered, but I really must decline.

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