
April 19, 2010

I just finished reading Nicholas Evan’s “The Horse Whisperer.” And even though I didn’t much enjoy his writing style, big chunks of it came through splendidly and I recommend the book. The ending was unexpected, but fitting (I won’t reveal it here). I offered it to my wife, but she has a big stack of Danielle Steele to get through (good luck with that, dear).

I don’t know if horse whispering is real, but apparently dog whispering is, because that bearded queer is on TV taming unruly Chihuahuas and snarling Shi-Tzus every weekend on Animal Planet, oooh. Jennifer Love Hewitt apparently did okay as The Ghost Whisperer, even though I never saw her show. And Homer Simpson once told a horse “When the race starts, run really fast.”

Anyway, it was a good book. I guess I’ll rent the movie now, even though Wiki just told me the ending.

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