We went to the in-laws for dinner the other night. Somehow, that homeless woman found her way there as well. In typical Hanson fashion, we polished off the 12-pack of Hefeweisen purchased specifically for us 30 minutes into it and had to start on the reserves of Corona in the garage. We drank them warm but didn’t care by that point.
Dinner was BBQ ribs, potato salad, pasta salad, fruit salad, chicken salad, taco salad, green salad, egg salad, and some sort of 13-bean salad which almost certainly contained Lima beans and hamburger. I’m told it was quite good. Afterwards I whooped everyone at Wii Fencing, while the Catsitter made his presence known via silent gaseous commentary and his wife fanned his nether regions with a couch pillow. Despite this, we had a great time, and look forward to the Great Labor Day Rib-Off.
Prepare yourselves, Clan Burris.
When is Mister Ass going to figure out that the Homeless Woman thoughtfully creates each menu to assist him in resolving his little ahhh-hem “condition”?
Jeez, next time we’ll get 24 Hefeweisen – maybe that’ll last you an hour.