Uno and the 3-Way

October 18, 2010


We had dinner at the in-laws on Saturday night. That homeless woman was there. She made three, count ‘em, three different kinds of lasagna. Two of them had broccoli, one had spinach together with some sort of legume, but none of them had mushrooms. What’s up with that?

It was a very cool lasagna pan though, with three compartments to keep the different lasagnas separated. My concern would be this: what if you only have two lasagna recipes, what then? Maybe that’s why she felt compelled to add the weird vegetables to make yet a third pan of lasagna.

I don’t think I could take the pressure of filling a 3-way lasagna pan.

Since nobody felt like getting whipped by Mr. Ass at Wii Bowling, someone dug up a deck of Uno cards. I think it was the Catsitter. I nearly won the first game; I’m an Uno Master.

Halfway through the second game, the Nordic Warrior Queen spilled her beer all over the table, at which time we discovered that the Homeless Lady’s new tablecloth is not only spill resistant, it also has some weird molecular power over fluids, making them bead up like little globs of mercury. It was magical.

As you can see, I felt compelled to chase the beer globules around the table with a straw, cleaning up after my woman. The Uno game lasted 2-1/2 hours, but it seemed like much longer. Kristine, or Christina, I can never remember her name, won the game on a yellow four. I think she might have had help.

2 Comments for this entry

  • Jacob says:

    That’s called a hydrophobic material…. Speaking of which, check this out.

  • Claudia says:

    Get the facts straight, Kiparooni
    Broccoli – no
    Legumes – no
    Mushrooms – yes
    No, you are clearly not up to the pressure of making lasagna.

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